Animated Health and Safety video brief:
Stormy Studio were recently approached by UK Power Networks to create an animated health and safety video. The videos aim was to raise awareness of the health and safety issues caused by day dreaming.
We were provided with brand guidelines and a PDF poster which the initial creatives were based on.
We agreed a concept and used a mixture of the Adobe Creative Suite and some 3rd party tools to develop assets and an animation style.
All of the character animation was manually key framed inside of Adobe After Effects, which thanks to some skilled animators at Stormy Studio really brought the animated health and safety video to life.
The light hearted narrative, clean character animation and motion graphics enabled us to deliver a serious message which held the viewers attention.
The voiceover is actually one of our in house team which was originally recorded for the initial animation timing. The client was so pleased with the recording it was selected as the final voiceover.
Upon completion of the video we provided the client with a number of mp4 video files for playback at various resolutions including full HD. Thanks to the skilled IT team at the company their employees were able to see the video throughout the business by simply logging into their system on any device.
We worked with the clients provided brand guidelines document to ensure the animated health and safety video was fit for purpose for showing throughout their organisation.
Result of the animated health and safety video:
This is the first of the animated health and safety videos we have produced for the company and it has been very well received throughout the business, so much so that we’re now going into production of a further three videos.
We’ve heard via the company that it sparked some very positive conversation about health and safety practices, as well as more on how using animation to deliver messaging can work.
Something we’re pleased to hear on both counts.