Holy S£%#! we're celebrating our 5th animation studio anniversary
From the first day when opening Stormy Studios doors back on the 2nd March 2015, the distant plan was to create and grow a creative business that would still be going (and hopefully thriving) after 5 years. This week we crossed that milestone and were able to celebrate our 5th animation studio anniversary.
Not only that, our animaiton studio business really is thriving.
With numerous animation jobs currently in production and 3 large and on going projects under negotiation. The future is looking bright.
Plus, we're also expanding our premises and setting up a permanent film studio space. Where we'll be able to complement our in house aniamtion studio services with film production. Utilsing green screens and curved infinite walls to great effect.
So expect to see new talkngi head videos produced for our own Youtube channel as well as for our amazing clients. (*More on this soon).