Gain experience and craft a career in animation

business animation company

Whilst our UK animation studio successfully makes a profit through creating high quality business animation. We also have a  passion for helping people to build successful animation careers and businesses of their own.

Jon Draper (Stormy Studio Founder) happily shares helpful tips through vlogs, blogs and interviews. Helping those just starting out think of ways to market themselves, gain valuable industry experience, develop skills or take the leap and setup an animation studio of their own.

As well as tips, we'll sometimes have animation or producer vacancies at our own uk animation studio. Which we'll share here.


Gain experience and craft

a career in animation

Whilst our UK animation studio successfully makes a profit through creating high quality business animation. We also have a  passion for helping others to build successful animation careers and businesses of their own.

Jon Draper (Stormy Studio Founder) happily shares helpful tips through vlogs, blogs and interviews. Helping those just starting out think of ways to market themselves, gain valuable industry experience and develop skills that are in demand. 

He also provides useful advice to help more experienced animators looking to take the leap and setup an animation studio of their own.

As well as tips, we'll sometimes have animation or producer vacancies at our own uk animation studio. Which we'll share here.


We will have job

postings here in the future