How to setup your own animation studio
In order to help other aspiring animators and designers realise their business dreams. We’ve put together this short series on ‘How To Setup Your Own Animation Studio’. Now, this is the first series I (Jon Draper) have presented, so some of it is a little rough round the edges. Let’s face it, I’d be much more comfortable at my desk or sitting with a sketchpad and a cuppa tea. Though hopefully the core of the information is useful for those considering setting up on their own.
The actual content should be relevant for most any creative business but it’s particularly geared toward animation & design.
I’d really appreciate it, if you cna share the series and do all the normal social things and subscribe to our channel. Also please comment on any of the videos with recommendations for other subjects to discuss.
Setup your own animation studio…

Gain Experience – 1
Overview of the series + How to gaining industry experience
In this is initial video, we introduce you to the aim of our short video series. Plus look at how you can gain experience in the industry after leaving Uni or College.