Stormy Studio were commissioned by the ‘Internet Society‘ to produce an engaging digital animation for MANRS.
The aim of the video is to increase the security and smooth running of the worlds internet. By highlighting the internet security practices that can be implemented by global organisations.
We started with a couple of online conference calls with our US client discussing the digital animation project. A Stormy Studio professional script writer collaborated with our client to develop a succint and non-techy script.
A digital approach to storyboarding:
Our designers then created a fully illustrated storyboard that aligned well with the voiceover script. Due to the technical nature of the intended digital animation, we chose to produce the storyboard stills using our digital animation and design software (as opposed to a normal hand illustrated approach).
This allowed us to mock up ideas with wireframe meshes and VFX that are trickier to convey with quick sketches. It also forced us to think about the animated icon designs early on. This approach whilst taking longer to produce paid dividend, as the final video actually stayed very close to our initial storyboard visuals.

We chose a dark pallete for the first half of the digital animation to provide contrast between the threats to internet security and the second lighter half that details the solutions.
We used the animated digital earth and grid network as the core of the animation to provided both a backdrop and a physical asset to move in and around to re-enforce key messages.
The 7 animated icons used in the digital animation went through a number of rounds of review, as we worked with an expert in the field to ensure the proposed icons were accurate in their message whilst simple in design.