Stunning 2D animation for your business
Studio Showreel
See the range of animated videos & styles we’ve produced for happy clients around the globe
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[cs_cs_perceptive_testimonial bg_color=”hsl(0, 0%, 19%)” color=”hsl(0, 0%, 100%)” width=”150″ height=”150″ bwidth=”2″ photo_border=”hsl(0, 0%, 100%)” shadow=”false” quote=”true” circle=”true” radius=”10″ star=”hsl(197, 93%, 53%)” clink=”hsl(222, 42%, 79%)” layout=”1″ qcolor=”hsl(197, 93%, 53%)” icon_type=”quote-left” group_member=”groups_member” drip_type=”join” drip_days=”0″ drip_visibility=”after”][cs_cs_perceptive_review name=”Jeff Gombala” image=”https://stormystudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/medullan-square.png” focused=”true” job=”VP, Digital Strategy & Technology” company=”Medullan Inc – Leading Healthcare Consultancy Services” url=”http://www.medullan.com” star=”5″ bg_color=”hsl(0, 0%, 19%)” width=”150″ bwidth=”2″ clink=”hsl(222, 42%, 79%)” layout=”1″ photo_border=”hsl(0, 0%, 100%)” circle=”1″ qcolor=”hsl(197, 93%, 53%)”]The animated video was very well received. We had lots of cheers and clapping from the Core Team, amazing work. Thank you Stormy Studio.[/cs_cs_perceptive_review][cs_cs_perceptive_review name=”Sophia Sophia Sheridan” image=”https://stormystudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/TBC-square.png” focused=”false” job=”Marketing & Communications” company=”Torbay Community Development Trust” url=”http://www.torbaycdt.org.uk” star=”5″ snurl1=”https://facebook.com/launchthatwebsite/” snurl2=”https://twitter.com/launchthatsite” snurl3=”https://www.instagram.com/launchthatwebsite/” bg_color=”hsl(0, 0%, 19%)” width=”150″ bwidth=”2″ clink=”hsl(222, 42%, 79%)” layout=”1″ photo_border=”hsl(0, 0%, 100%)” circle=”1″ qcolor=”hsl(197, 93%, 53%)”]We had never commissioned an animation before so really didn’t know where to start but Jon and the team at Stormy Studios were fantastic. They talked us through all of the options and the costs. Then delivered something far beyond our expectations!
I just watched it and felt all Braveheart battle ready afterwards! It really looks great.[/cs_cs_perceptive_review][cs_cs_perceptive_review name=”Amy Ruggiero” image=”https://stormystudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Great-Projects-Square-02.png” focused=”false” job=”Business Marketing,” company=”The Great Projects” url=”https://www.thegreatprojects.com” star=”5″ bg_color=”hsl(0, 0%, 19%)” width=”150″ bwidth=”2″ clink=”hsl(222, 42%, 79%)” layout=”1″ photo_border=”hsl(0, 0%, 100%)” circle=”1″ qcolor=”hsl(197, 93%, 53%)”]Friendly, reliable, fast and efficient – Stormy Studio worked with our budget and did an amazing job! The outcome was better then what we were even hoping for. We would definitely work with them again! Thank you for The Great Projects marketing video![/cs_cs_perceptive_review][cs_cs_perceptive_review name=”Matthew Northam” image=”https://stormystudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Printscape-SQUARE.png” focused=”false” job=”President” company=”PrintScape Solutions, LLC” star=”5″ bg_color=”hsl(0, 0%, 19%)” width=”150″ bwidth=”2″ clink=”hsl(222, 42%, 79%)” layout=”1″ photo_border=”hsl(0, 0%, 100%)” circle=”1″ qcolor=”hsl(197, 93%, 53%)”]Thank you for the great work on our explainer video! Working with you on this project was our pleasure. Your team was very insightful and patient in helping us get exactly what we wanted![/cs_cs_perceptive_review][cs_cs_perceptive_review name=”James Nichol” image=”https://stormystudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/UKPN-square.png” focused=”false” job=”Lead Organisational Coach – Health, Safety & Sustainability ” company=”UK Power Networks” star=”5″ bg_color=”hsl(0, 0%, 19%)” width=”150″ bwidth=”2″ clink=”hsl(222, 42%, 79%)” layout=”1″ photo_border=”hsl(0, 0%, 100%)” circle=”1″ qcolor=”hsl(197, 93%, 53%)”]We’ve seen fantastic engagement with our safety messages company wide thanks to the great animated video series produced by Stormy Studio. Their speed of production, quality of design and friendly collaboration with our team was always spot on. I look forward to working with the team again in the future.[/cs_cs_perceptive_review][/cs_cs_perceptive_testimonial]