Stormy Studio were commissioned to produce a series of engaging Bristol animation for Bristol Energy. Through the use of a concise script and engaging visuals that tied in with the companies branding we were able to explain key messages to their current and potential future customers. The animated videos highlighted the companies positive stance on renewable energy, their latest smart … Read More
3D Isometric Animation – Solar Illuminations
Stormy Studio were commissioned by Solar Illuminations to produce a 3D isometric animation in order to demonstrate their various products and services as a looping banner for events and online advertising.A living 3D environment depicting 24 hours of Solar InstallationSolar Illuminations already had an environment concept they wanted to use as the basis for their 3D isometric animation, so in … Read More
Online Security Animation – OTA Honor Roll
Working with the Online Trust Alliance (a part of the The Internet Society). The Stormy Studio team produced this bespoke online security animation to both highlight exactly what the annual OTA Honor Roll is, how they review and score business websites and finally the video presented annual honor roll results in a clear professional manner. Through a mix of unique … Read More
Animated Charity Video – Africas Voices
We were commissioned by UK Charity Africas Voices to develop and produce an animated charity video. Animated Charity Video Creative Fine Tuning The animated charity video creative was fine tuned with some text based storyboards and latter visual storyboards. As this projects script was provided by the client we were able to simply concentrate on the visual development. We also created a 10 second … Read More
Customer Services Video – UK Power Networks
Customer Services Video We created this stylised customer services video for our client ‘UK Power Networks‘. The final customer services video was played out at a number of events throughout 2016. It will eventually be used in house by the company. We had design discussions with our client via Skype before developing the script and animation style. We arrived at a … Read More
2D & 3D animated explainer video for U.S. data firm Levyx
This video was created for Levyx to promote their cutting edge data ‘key value store’ solution that makes big data processing avaialbe to the masses. We mixed elements of 2D and 3D animation in the corporate video to explain how big data is used in the world today, plus explained the complex service and product that Levyx can deliver using motion … Read More
2D Explainer Video for Asendia
A 2D explainer video with some fantastic crisp designs brought to life in a clear and visually compelling way. The video had to explain how the business worked for Asendia and their direct marketing. Plus we had to clearly point out the benefits of their services compared to their competition of email and social media.
3D Animation for Hewlett Packard
A video showing an edited down version of the H.P. Extreme Testing video. Made to highlight the extreme tests Hewlett Packard put their tape storage media through. We animated over 250,000 cartridges tumbling. They start by falling off of an office desk, tumble up a hill which represents Alaska, then on the back of a bike down to Chile, across the Sahara, … Read More